
Superior Living in Wassenaar


Revitalization of the national monument Johannahuis in Wassenaar through a product and concept that responds to a growing residential and care needs. The Superior Living concept was developed from the Senior Living product. Superior Living responds to the trend in Dutch society of an increasing number of wealthy seniors for whom living comfortably in a quality environment is a motto for life. A living environment where they can continue to live without problems, even if they later become dependent on care. Superior Living is defined as "the top exclusive residential service for wealthy seniors".


History of the Johannahuis


The Johannahuis was commissioned by the Van Ommeren-de Voogt couple in 1931 built on the edge of the estate Rust en Vreugd in Wassenaar. The Hague architect Samuel de Clercq designed the carré-shaped building in English country house style so that it suited the villa building in the area and at the booth of the ladies who would live there. Following remarks from the Beauty Committee of the municipality of Wassenaar, the building became lower, with three floors so that it fitted better in the rural environment. Instead of the previously planned 60 one-person apartments, only 43 apartments could be realized (including 18 double rooms) and 2 service houses. This way, 61 residents could eventually move into a room in the Johannahuis. By raising the forecourt to the level of the beach barrier and thus to the first floor, the building at the front seemed lower. The landscaping consisted of a decorative front garden. From the building there was a wide view over the open meadow landscape on the beach plain. The four wings of the carré-shaped building were built around a courtyard garden.

On 3 October 1931 the Johannahuis was officially taken into use. In 1932, the Beauty Commission still tacked and the rear part of the building was raised in one storey in 1933, which increased capacity by 20 units. In order not to overburden the existing foundation, an almost completely constructed structure was chosen.

Over the years, the Johannahuis evolved into a full-fledged nursing home that complied with the law on the elderly towns. In 1950, part of the Rust en Vreugd home was put into use as a branch of the Johannahuis, for ladies in need of nursing. In 1958 a funeral parlor was built on the inner courtyard of the Johannahuis, after a design by architect J.C. Bolten from Wassenaar. The original interior of the courtyard garden remained almost unchanged despite this change.

In 1983 the Johannahuis was extended with a new wing on the southwest side, the so-called South Wing. This expansion increased the capacity to 98 places. Because the site was enlarged it was possible to build a parking space and an additional access road. In 1993, an expansion in the courtyard was realized in order to create the funeral room from 1958.

Plans to demolish the Johannahuis in 1998 and replace it with new buildings were stopped by the municipality because of the planned volume of the new building. When the adjacent site became available in 1999, the parties involved decided to build a new residential / care complex, the Van Ommerenpark.

The Johannahuis has since become available for repurposing.


Ambition level: Superior Living


Seniors have little choice in the Netherlands in the field of high quality and quality living. Especially when a need for care arises, the supply on the senior housing market is of a very limited quality. Superior Living responds to the trend in Dutch society of an increasing number of wealthy seniors for whom living comfortably in a quality environment is a motto for life. A living environment where, even if they become dependent on care, they can continue to live without problems. That is why the concept of Superior Living has been defined, which offers the possibility to serve this specific target group of wealthy elderly people in their housing needs.

Superior Living is defined as:

  1. The top exclusive residential service for wealthy seniors.

  2. In Superior Living, respect, comfort, safety, security, privacy and the best 24-hour service in a living environment such as home are central.

  3. Superior Living responds to the needs of a specific target group of seniors: Senior with Style.



The Superior Living environment should radiate a real 'home' atmosphere. There must be a warm interior as in your own home. The special feature of Superior Living is the sum of high-quality exclusive living, comfortable personal service-oriented services and optional care.

“Living comfortably with the security of care.”

This certainty of care is of great importance to both the senior and his or her family. However, individual care should not come to the forefront, it is not noticeable in the appearance but should take place as a matter of course in the background. Thus the senior does not have to let go of his or her own lifestyle completely. It feels like a real residential villa in style.

The unique location and the monumental value of the former Johannahuis can be used well for the experience of Superior Living. The historic character gives a stylish, confidential and relaxing atmosphere.






Senior Living


Wassenaar, The Netherlands


8,000 sqm




Jasper Jägers, Lotte Schubert