
Redevelopment of a national monument


Aemsen developed the concept, the positioning and the branding for the redevelopment of the national monument Slaakhuys. The Slaakhuys is an icon of the Rotterdam reconstruction and is being redeveloped and made suitable as a business complex for the new generation of entrepreneurs. The building will again fulfill a valuable function in the district. With its refined architectural character, the Slaakhuys national monument will soon become part of the urban economy again.



The monument at the Slaak in Rotterdam has a colorful history. On the ruins of the Voorwaarts building, bombed in 1940, designed in 1907 by H.P. Berlage, a new office building for the Arbeiderspers was built in 1951-1955, designed by architects Vegter and Leupen. Het Vrije Volk, part of the social-democratic publishing group

De Arbeiderspers, is for a while the largest newspaper in the Netherlands, with an editorial staff of 300 people. On March 30, 1991 the last issue appeared with the daily newspaper title Het Vrije Volk. In that year Het Vrije Volk merged with the Rotterdams Nieuwsblad into the Rotterdam Dagblad. In 2005, this newspaper was reinstated in the Algemeen Dagblad newspaper.



The Slaakhuys is being redeveloped and made suitable as an inspiring working environment for a new generation of entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurs can use various collective spaces and necessary facilities. The monumental lobby with the Stadslokaal is the core of the new Slaakhuys and serves as an extension of workspaces for all users, and as the place for meeting, receiving and collective entrepreneurship.

The former office and editorial section of Het Vrije Volk above the lobby lends itself perfectly to housing medium-sized organizations or a number of smaller companies and self-employed people. Users of De Redactie can combine the rent of their own space with the occasional rent of spaces and facilities elsewhere in the building.

The former printing office, with its curved concrete trusses and long light streets, is being transformed into a semi-public space. The Expedition, the former service building, is currently being used by various creative companies, including architectural firms. Over time De Expeditie will be redeveloped for companies and institutions with a larger space requirement. The building component is clearly recognizable separately and can thus provide users with a clearly distinctive place in the entire building.




Havensteder / Lingotto / WSA


Offices / Mixed


Rotterdam, The Netherlands


9,500 sqm




Jasper Jägers


PRezz Video PR

graphic design

Buro Zero