VILLA akari

Something with stonehegde, patio’s and origami


WEST ROSE is AEMSEN's proposal for the redevelopment of a very prominent and historic place in the center of Rotterdam into a sustainable and future-proof urban block. The housing block from the early 1980s at the pivot point of Schiedamsesingel and Eendrachtsweg will be replaced by a four times as large diverse program consisting of working, living, meeting and commercial functions. Respecting the 'sunspot' from the High-rise Vision Rotterdam located directly next to the plot and improving the urban spatial quality are important starting points in the development of the future program and its required mass. WEST ROSE is future-proof, sustainable, circular, biobased and nature-inclusive. The complex invites you to explore, stay, meet and exchange and embodies everything we want for the future of Rotterdam.



Willem Nicolaas Rose was one of the great innovators of the 19th century in the fields of architectural theory, building technology and civil engineering. Rose was city architect of Rotterdam from 1839 to 1855 and government architect of the Netherlands from 1858 to 1867. In addition to being the inventor of the Rotterdam Water Project, Rose also made numerous expansion plans for Rotterdam, such as for the Coolpolder (1842), the Nieuwe Werk / Scheepvaartkwartier (1847-1854) and for Feijenoord (1843).




The Netherlands


Private house


650 sqm


Aila Iversen, Jasper Jägers and Fenya Kompatsiari